Magnetic insoles with four massage zones
Appointment Magnetic insoles are based on the theory of the greatest discovery of ancient Chinese medicine: connections of acupuncture and reflexogenic zones of a person’s leg with all his organs. When walking barefoot, a person, massaging the foot, trains and strengthens his entire body. But how to achieve this amazing effect if we are used to shoes? The magnetic insoles will help you with this. They will give you the pleasure of being in contact with the natural field of the Earth, as it happens when walking barefoot in the dew, relieve fatigue and return the joy of feeling strength and health. magnetic insoles are made of hygienic plastic, in the base of which therapeutic magnetic balls are embedded. Small elastic spikes that act as a massager create a layer of air between the foot and the insole. This achieves a number of beneficial effects for you; biologically active points of the foot receive a double massage – magnetic and physiological, and thus a more complete flow of air to the leg opens. This is the answer to the mystery of healing and strengthening your body. It is not for nothing that in ancient Rome, young people under 25 were forbidden to wear shoes.
The benefits of magnetic insoles Effectiveness of application Analysis of the results of the use of magnetic insoles by many people in different countries of the world showed that:
- cold hands and feet become warm;
- sciatica pain in the spine passes;
- thanks to the use of insoles, the immune resistance of the body is amazingly increased;
- normal blood flow in the arteries and venous patency are restored;
- with intermittent claudication, after half an hour of using insoles, the distance traveled by patients without stopping increases, sometimes several times;
- in persons with significant circulatory disorders, normal blood circulation is restored in the legs after a few weeks and edema disappears;
- fungal diseases penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue due to increased blood circulation move to the outer layers of the skin, which greatly facilitates the fight against the causative agent of the disease by lubricating sore spots with antifungal ointment, massage with a soft brush in the morning and evening, or smearing with alcohol;
- magnetic insoles have a beneficial effect on lung diseases, due to more intense blood circulation, their blood supply improves;
- heart pains disappear or significantly decrease, post-infarction scars quickly disappear;
- symptoms of radiation sickness disappear.
This is due to the fact that the concentrated and increased biofield protects against new doses of radiation, and the excretion system removes radionuclides from the body along with toxins through the pores of the feet. Together with toxins, other compounds and metals, even lead compounds, are removed from the body. Patients with radiation sickness feel an improvement in their condition within a week after starting to use the insoles;
- blood sugar levels are regulated. When sugar levels are high and fluctuating, the level and size of the fluctuations increase first. After two weeks, the fluctuations decrease. In patients with diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent), insulin consumption decreases, since as a result of an increase in blood flow, it is used more efficiently;
- there is an improvement in vision (especially with farsightedness). You can try to wear magnetic insoles for the treatment of all kinds of combinations of diseases, since the magnetic massage method of treatment affects the body in a complex way.
If you see a person who is seriously ill, tell him about the Biomag magnetic insoles. Maybe they will be the last chance to recover from his hopeless condition. At first, the symptoms of the disease intensified, blood pressure and sugar levels increased, and after a few days they returned to normal.
The duration of the disappearance of diseases depended on the regularity of wearing insoles, as well as on the neglect of the disease. Some illnesses go away quickly and painlessly, some require faith and patience.
The reasons for the disruption of the body and the mechanism of action of the insoles
We all remember how in childhood we could tirelessly rush through the streets until late at night, playing various games. The energy was inexhaustible, and this is understandable – the body is young. But the years pass. and we, without noticing it, hurry home early to take a comfortable place on the sofa and indulge in rest. We began to get tired quickly, and hence grow old. Why is it so? Medicine gives many answers to this question – here is the ecology, and stress, and bad habits with improper diet, and so on.
Intoxication occurs in the body, blood vessels and capillaries, clogged with salts and toxins, interfere with the normal metabolism. Nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins do not sufficiently provide the cellular system of the body, and the person gives up. And how. There are a lot of examples when in some sports the age of 25 is considered the limit. But how to restore activity and vitality?
Someone advises to take a steam bath more often, someone – to eat right, douche with cold water, breathe deeply and vice versa – to hold your breath and so on. There are many techniques and recipes, they are all tempting and effective in their own way. But we want to get to the bottom of the truth and understand, finally, what is destroying us, and what saves. Let’s turn to the hoof of the great researcher and optimist Paul Bragg. At the age of 96, he could endure such physical activities that were inaccessible to young and experienced athletes. His technique of “fasting with distilled water” kept the body in perfect shape. The cleanliness of its blood vessels corresponded to that of babies. This meant that the internal organ system was working flawlessly. And only a tragic incident ended the life of this amazing person. Output: one of the main indicators of health is a clean blood supply system. For Bragg, distilled water played this role. She dissolved and took on toxins and slags.
As a result of the experiments, it was found that magnetized water or blood, which has passed through the action of magnets, has increased properties of dissolving salts and slags.
In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to boil the magnetized water in a kettle and observe how scale comes off its walls. Something similar happens with the blood flow, which, being magnetized by the magnetic insoles, cleans the blood vessels. After the first days of wearing Biomag insoles, we feel a decrease in swelling and fatigue of the legs. In addition, acupuncture of all organs is located on the foot of a person, therefore, touching the uneven surface of the Earth with the foot, as intended by nature, is important for him. As a result of walking, we train and temper not only the muscles of the legs, but all organs in general. This unique discovery was first made 3 thousand years ago by scientists from ancient China. The human palm also has many reflex points. Therefore, people who are engaged in manual work have better memory. Moreover, methods have been developed for restoring human health through exposure to reflexogenic zones, which has become widespread throughout the world.
It is also known that the Earth and the Sun have their own energy, which constantly affects all living things. It is very useful to be in the fresh air more often, especially since our houses mainly have reinforced concrete structures. And they reduce the beneficial effect of the Earth’s magnetic field. To balance the balance, we put magnetic balls in the insole, the intensity of which is close to the natural field of the Earth. The insole also contains elastic thorns-massagers, as if imitating the uneven surface of the Earth. The bioenergy of a healthy person must reliably protect him from harmful influences and radiation, putting in order every cell of the body. We know that a body without energy is a body without life. Therefore, many disorders of human health lie in the weakening of his bioenergetics.
Use the Biomag magnetic insoles for the prevention of your health, and in many cases as a remedy. Having learned our technique, having improved your health, you will become an interesting and useful person in the circle of relatives and friends. Remember that even modest knowledge in this area can provide invaluable support in a person’s health.
Application procedure
Insert a magnetic insole into loose shoes, cutting it in advance along the marked contour to the desired shoe size. The insole should be spiked up so that the foot feels a beneficial massage when touched. It is very useful in the morning by putting the insole in the slippers,. walk 5 – 10 minutes around the room. You will feel how this procedure will cheer you up, as if you have done morning exercises. It is useful to touch the bare feet, since the leg receives a healing massage to a greater extent. Later, during the day, putting on socks or tights, you continue to use the insoles for 2 – 3 hours a day, gradually increasing the time of wearing them. During the first ten days of wearing the insoles, the state of health improves significantly. The legs and arms become warmer, the swelling and fatigue of the legs are relieved. Blood flow and metabolic processes are activated. Intensive elimination of toxins and toxins from the body takes place. This can cause some discomfort, drowsiness, pain in diseased parts of the body. But gradually the body overcomes the disease, and the person restores and stabilizes his health. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles. Sleeping with insoles gives very good results. To do this, it is enough to press the insole to the foot, and put on a sock on top. This method can be used by people whose feet are cold. or those suffering from insomnia. Magnetic insoles do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean and, with careful use, last up to 10 years. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles. Sleeping with insoles gives very good results. To do this, it is enough to press the insole to the foot, and put on a sock on top. This method can be used by people whose feet are cold. or those suffering from insomnia. Magnetic insoles do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean and, with careful use, last up to 10 years. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles
First of all, the use of insoles is necessary for people whose professional activity is associated with leg fatigue. These are teachers and salesmen, traffic police and military guards, machine operators and couriers. We are the first to receive warm words of gratitude from them.
- acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions of unknown etiology;
- acute disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation;
- severe hypotension;
- diseases associated with blood clotting disorders;
- pregnancy (any time frame);
- individual magnetic intolerance;
- the presence of an implanted pacemaMagnetic insoles with four massage zones
Appointment Magnetic insoles are based on the theory of the greatest discovery of ancient Chinese medicine: connections of acupuncture and reflexogenic zones of a person’s leg with all his organs. When walking barefoot, a person, massaging the foot, trains and strengthens his entire body. But how to achieve this amazing effect if we are used to shoes? The magnetic insoles will help you with this. They will give you the pleasure of being in contact with the natural field of the Earth, as it happens when walking barefoot in the dew, relieve fatigue and return the joy of feeling strength and health. magnetic insoles are made of hygienic plastic, in the base of which therapeutic magnetic balls are embedded. Small elastic spikes that act as a massager create a layer of air between the foot and the insole. This achieves a number of beneficial effects for you; biologically active points of the foot receive a double massage – magnetic and physiological, and thus a more complete flow of air to the leg opens. This is the answer to the mystery of healing and strengthening your body. It is not for nothing that in ancient Rome, young people under 25 were forbidden to wear shoes.
The benefits of magnetic insoles Effectiveness of application Analysis of the results of the use of magnetic insoles by many people in different countries of the world showed that:
• cold hands and feet become warm;
• sciatica pain in the spine passes;
• thanks to the use of insoles, the immune resistance of the body is amazingly increased;
• normal blood flow in the arteries and venous patency are restored;
• with intermittent claudication, after half an hour of using insoles, the distance traveled by patients without stopping increases, sometimes several times;
• in persons with significant circulatory disorders, normal blood circulation is restored in the legs after a few weeks and edema disappears;
• fungal diseases penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue due to increased blood circulation move to the outer layers of the skin, which greatly facilitates the fight against the causative agent of the disease by lubricating sore spots with antifungal ointment, massage with a soft brush in the morning and evening, or smearing with alcohol;
• magnetic insoles have a beneficial effect on lung diseases, due to more intense blood circulation, their blood supply improves;
• heart pains disappear or significantly decrease, post-infarction scars quickly disappear;
• symptoms of radiation sickness disappear.
This is due to the fact that the concentrated and increased biofield protects against new doses of radiation, and the excretion system removes radionuclides from the body along with toxins through the pores of the feet. Together with toxins, other compounds and metals, even lead compounds, are removed from the body. Patients with radiation sickness feel an improvement in their condition within a week after starting to use the insoles;
• blood sugar levels are regulated. When sugar levels are high and fluctuating, the level and size of the fluctuations increase first. After two weeks, the fluctuations decrease. In patients with diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent), insulin consumption decreases, since as a result of an increase in blood flow, it is used more efficiently;
• there is an improvement in vision (especially with farsightedness). You can try to wear magnetic insoles for the treatment of all kinds of combinations of diseases, since the magnetic massage method of treatment affects the body in a complex way.
If you see a person who is seriously ill, tell him about the Biomag magnetic insoles. Maybe they will be the last chance to recover from his hopeless condition. At first, the symptoms of the disease intensified, blood pressure and sugar levels increased, and after a few days they returned to normal.
The duration of the disappearance of diseases depended on the regularity of wearing insoles, as well as on the neglect of the disease. Some illnesses go away quickly and painlessly, some require faith and patience.
The reasons for the disruption of the body and the mechanism of action of the insoles
We all remember how in childhood we could tirelessly rush through the streets until late at night, playing various games. The energy was inexhaustible, and this is understandable – the body is young. But the years pass. and we, without noticing it, hurry home early to take a comfortable place on the sofa and indulge in rest. We began to get tired quickly, and hence grow old. Why is it so? Medicine gives many answers to this question – here is the ecology, and stress, and bad habits with improper diet, and so on.
Intoxication occurs in the body, blood vessels and capillaries, clogged with salts and toxins, interfere with the normal metabolism. Nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins do not sufficiently provide the cellular system of the body, and the person gives up. And how. There are a lot of examples when in some sports the age of 25 is considered the limit. But how to restore activity and vitality?
Someone advises to take a steam bath more often, someone – to eat right, douche with cold water, breathe deeply and vice versa – to hold your breath and so on. There are many techniques and recipes, they are all tempting and effective in their own way. But we want to get to the bottom of the truth and understand, finally, what is destroying us, and what saves. Let’s turn to the hoof of the great researcher and optimist Paul Bragg. At the age of 96, he could endure such physical activities that were inaccessible to young and experienced athletes. His technique of “fasting with distilled water” kept the body in perfect shape. The cleanliness of its blood vessels corresponded to that of babies. This meant that the internal organ system was working flawlessly. And only a tragic incident ended the life of this amazing person. Output: one of the main indicators of health is a clean blood supply system. For Bragg, distilled water played this role. She dissolved and took on toxins and slags.
As a result of the experiments, it was found that magnetized water or blood, which has passed through the action of magnets, has increased properties of dissolving salts and slags.
In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to boil the magnetized water in a kettle and observe how scale comes off its walls. Something similar happens with the blood flow, which, being magnetized by the magnetic insoles, cleans the blood vessels. After the first days of wearing Biomag insoles, we feel a decrease in swelling and fatigue of the legs. In addition, acupuncture of all organs is located on the foot of a person, therefore, touching the uneven surface of the Earth with the foot, as intended by nature, is important for him. As a result of walking, we train and temper not only the muscles of the legs, but all organs in general. This unique discovery was first made 3 thousand years ago by scientists from ancient China. The human palm also has many reflex points. Therefore, people who are engaged in manual work have better memory. Moreover, methods have been developed for restoring human health through exposure to reflexogenic zones, which has become widespread throughout the world.
It is also known that the Earth and the Sun have their own energy, which constantly affects all living things. It is very useful to be in the fresh air more often, especially since our houses mainly have reinforced concrete structures. And they reduce the beneficial effect of the Earth’s magnetic field. To balance the balance, we put magnetic balls in the insole, the intensity of which is close to the natural field of the Earth. The insole also contains elastic thorns-massagers, as if imitating the uneven surface of the Earth. The bioenergy of a healthy person must reliably protect him from harmful influences and radiation, putting in order every cell of the body. We know that a body without energy is a body without life. Therefore, many disorders of human health lie in the weakening of his bioenergetics.
Use the Biomag magnetic insoles for the prevention of your health, and in many cases as a remedy. Having learned our technique, having improved your health, you will become an interesting and useful person in the circle of relatives and friends. Remember that even modest knowledge in this area can provide invaluable support in a person’s health.
Application procedure
Insert a magnetic insole into loose shoes, cutting it in advance along the marked contour to the desired shoe size. The insole should be spiked up so that the foot feels a beneficial massage when touched. It is very useful in the morning by putting the insole in the slippers,. walk 5 – 10 minutes around the room. You will feel how this procedure will cheer you up, as if you have done morning exercises. It is useful to touch the bare feet, since the leg receives a healing massage to a greater extent. Later, during the day, putting on socks or tights, you continue to use the insoles for 2 – 3 hours a day, gradually increasing the time of wearing them. During the first ten days of wearing the insoles, the state of health improves significantly. The legs and arms become warmer, the swelling and fatigue of the legs are relieved. Blood flow and metabolic processes are activated. Intensive elimination of toxins and toxins from the body takes place. This can cause some discomfort, drowsiness, pain in diseased parts of the body. But gradually the body overcomes the disease, and the person restores and stabilizes his health. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles. Sleeping with insoles gives very good results. To do this, it is enough to press the insole to the foot, and put on a sock on top. This method can be used by people whose feet are cold. or those suffering from insomnia. Magnetic insoles do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean and, with careful use, last up to 10 years. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles. Sleeping with insoles gives very good results. To do this, it is enough to press the insole to the foot, and put on a sock on top. This method can be used by people whose feet are cold. or those suffering from insomnia. Magnetic insoles do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean and, with careful use, last up to 10 years. Pregnant women, however, should refrain from using insoles
First of all, the use of insoles is necessary for people whose professional activity is associated with leg fatigue. These are teachers and salesmen, traffic police and military guards, machine operators and couriers. We are the first to receive warm words of gratitude from them.
• acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions of unknown etiology;
• acute disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation;
• severe hypotension;
• diseases associated with blood clotting disorders;
• pregnancy (any time frame);
• individual magnetic intolerance;
• the presence of an implanted pacemaker;
• malignant neoplasms in the area of exposure;
• open wounds.
Sizes – 33-36, 35-38, 39-42, 41-46
Be sure to indicate the dimensions when ordering!ker;
- malignant neoplasms in the area of exposure;
- open wounds.
Sizes – 33-36, 35-38, 39-42, 41-46
Be sure to indicate the dimensions when ordering!
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